Monday, July 16, 2012


So I went to hell. It was pretty fucking fun there. I saw satan. He was pretty fucking stoned. He loves drugs.

Lighting up with the eternal flame, inhaling into his forever cancerous lungs, he dreamed of heaven.

He dreamed of golden streets. Of light from all directions. A light that is, like on earth, part particle and part wave, but a light that is also part love. Satan marinates himself in love-light.

It's so real for him that he even forgets about hell's continual cycle. About how forever his body will burn, just to be replaced with another. His current model was, in fact, almost due for an upgrade.

Heaven is so good in his high little mind that he starts tripping out on repentance.

He ponders the benefits of getting down on his knee. Just a quick little sorry. A cheeky little 'Yeah, about that whole try-and-take-over thing god... Jokes, totes'.

Then, Satan just laughs. It's a cheeky marijuana laugh; a hurting chest as he squeezes out wheezes.

Satan couldn't leave hell, even if repentance did work. Heaven has no drugs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


“I’m just sitting here minding my own bloody business.

I mean I’m 22. Can’t I battle my Yugioh cards in peace?”

Tom thinks, while his Blue Eyes White dragon card is slid back into its cellophane sleeve. Tom takes pride in his hobbies. His worlds: Pokemon, Digimon, Magic Cards, Xbox, every gameboy since the black-and-white gameboy pocket up to today’s, which isn’t even called gameboy, and his full cupboard of scaled down army tanks; every tank ever run in any war, faithfully collected with subscription to an overpriced magazine. Tom’s room –– musty because sunlight or an open window aren’t needed, or wanted, by video games –– is where these worlds overlap. Three dimensions within the fourth, and four within the fifth, because Tom’s mind never got to age past 9.

A stranger could read most of this sun deprivation from his skin: bleached white. This white is in an ever loudening scream-off with the black of his hair. How they manage to sit so close is only, in cliché, a mystery. Perhaps their dialogue, the diplomacy between the superlative black and white, is the token black sunglasses Tom wears, is the token white dandruff that falls from his head. So plentiful that it’s seemingly sprinkled on him artificially each morning.

Is it the grease from his hair that helps fog the lenses of his glasses? The world, through those cheap-as-chips spectacles, is captured like bad photography. Is developed in a black-room with a door left open to midday sun. There is no detail, just a detection of movement. A vision of light that never managed to synthesise into recognisable shapes. He only takes them off in his room.

Tom likes to see the world like he wishes the world couldn’t see him.

Except, probably, sadly, to the world Tom is much more blurry.

The talking is louder now, is heated: ‘He can’t understand what we’re talking about!’

In his cave, which smells of moisture, of wet-dog, Tom pulls up his blanket –– which, being where the dog sleeps, is the main offender –– and soldiers on through Fable. Not only has he a girlfriend on the Xbox, his character has outdone King Henry VIII. Tom smirks as he beheads the next.

‘I’ve had enough of this fucking shit. This, this bullying.’

The sounds of screaming ricochet around corners and meet back up, however out of time, in the hallway Tom’s room is at the end of.

And although he lives his life in the infinite parallel universes of his own creation rather than the one he was actually born in, he does understand what they are talking about.

Wiping a tear, he sloshes his character through the poo of the Albion sewer system and finds the final golden Key by a metal grate.                                         

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


No aspect of the universe can be completely contained by words.
But language can become, itself, something that also can't.

Words escape themselves.

Monday, July 9, 2012


"I retracted from the up and go so rapidly that it became a human rights activist for itself.
Up and Go, you are made of milk.
That will sound weird, but I am merely describing how a cylindrical, mushroom-cloud explosion of space-time just rippled around a small Sanitarium product."

"Or," spoke a close but seemingly distant, and therefore surprisingly audible, voice of reason: "maybe you just bumped the table."

Fucking Ikea.


Maybe it's because with rain the entire artificial landscape of the city is covered with a veneer inescapably natural.
I don't know the reason.
But when a light drizzle hasn't had a break for twenty minutes and the golden going down of the sun has the whole world shining as our bodies prepare for the end of daylight warmth, I'm content.
I become a person with no need to force his words upon those whose own minds — I finally realise — are producing things just as tell-able.
A mind in the present without greed for anywhere else.
At peace with no need to speak.
Not a thing.
Except for telling people about it.